HistoPoli: A Look Into Our Past and Present
Whoever said history repeats itself sure had a point, and that's what we are investigating in this youthful history podcast. While studying and learning alongside our community, we put together episodes detailing various topics from across time and attempt to make connections with our modern day. We plunge into the theories, ideas, and events that shaped our world and society into what we know now. It is our goal to open up a discussion and discourse into history and the social sciences. The quest for knowledge doesn't have to stop in the classroom, if you feel like you want to dive deeper subscribe today!
7 episodes
What even are the Jacobites? I'll tell you
Today we do a quick talk on the Jacobite movement in the 1700 and 1800's. We talk about why you shouldn't call a Scot and Englishman and why the Irish so desperately preferred a Catholic king. That one might be a little obvious though. Anyways ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Rambling About Cuba: No More Castros???
Today is our first episode back and it's a good one. Right after taking a semester to study Latin American history and especially Cuba I drop some insight into what it means now that Cuba seems to be progressing towards a new future. Communism ...
Season 1
Episode 6

Marquis de Lafayette: The Hero of the Two Worlds
Today we examine a revolutionary icon that is the Marquis de Lafayette. Full name for those who are wondering is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette, yeah so we are just gonna go with Lafayette. He was able to t...
Season 1
Episode 5

The USA and The UK: The World's Best Frenemies
Today we examine the complex switch in the relationship between the United States and its former landlord the United Kingdom. Through wars, doctrines, and economics these bitter rivals become unlikely friends. The prodigal son has returned... o...
Season 1
Episode 4

Captain Cook's Recipe for Disaster
Today we do a quick analysis of Captain Cook and his effects on European, Pacific, and World History. We delve into certain topics and theories that surround the period of time between American and African Colonization. That's right, we actuall...
Season 1
Episode 3

The True Powder Keg of World War One
Today we explore the complicated alliances and histories of each major nation involved in the First World War. We mostly focus on the events right before the explosion of the "Powder Keg" that leads to the first major modern war. Pleas...
Season 1
Episode 2

America's Revolutionary Independence
Today we are breaking down the complicated differences between the American Revolution and the American War for Independence. This is our first episode so forgive any beginning awkwardness or rambling. Please check out our other two episode...
Season 1
Episode 1